Security Guards
Numéro de sollicitation 223-WCB-23-004
Date de publication
Date et heure de clôture 2023/03/23 15:00 HAE
Date de la dernière modification
Description of Services
The WCB requires the Contractor to supply personnel for security services (the "Security Guards") at the WCB's head office located at 333 Broadway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, on a 24/7 basis.
Security Guards are required to staff the main floor information and security desk (the "Security Desk") full time during the day shift on Business Days and to perform foot patrols 24/7. The Security Guards are responsible for the safety and security of WCB employees, injured workers, visitors, employers, etc. who are at 333 Broadway as well as the security of the WCB's real and personal property against assaults, fire, vandalism, unauthorized entry, threat, theft, harassment, and other violence or damage from any other source.
The WCB requires three (3) levels of Security Guard classifications, based on shift assignments, which are identified in the table below:
a) Security Officer 1 (SO1) - Security Guard providing basic site needs on nights (Monday to Sunday 00:00-08:00), weekends (days 08:00-16:00), and weekends (evenings 16:00-00:00) shifts, including these shifts that fall on Statutory Holidays;
b) Security Officer 2 (SO2) - more experienced and trained Security Guard assigned to the WCB on weekdays (days 08:00-16:00) and weekdays (evenings 16:00-00:00), including these shifts that fall on a weekday when the WCB's offices are closed to the general public for, or in lieu of, a WCB recognized holiday which includes Statutory Holidays, Easter Monday, Civic Holiday, and Boxing Day; and
c) Security Officer 3 (SO3) - Security Guard who by virtue of their training, ability, and experience has assumed the role of the "Site Supervisor". The SO3 must have experience running day-to-day operations of Security Guards and must have the ability to train and manage new Security Guards. The S03 will be assigned to the WCB on weekdays (days 08:30-16:30), excluding weekdays when the WCB's offices are closed to the general public for, or in lieu of, a WCB recognized holiday which includes Statutory Holidays, Easter Monday, Civic Holiday, and Boxing Day.
The WCB requires the Contractor to:
a) be registered as a security guard employer and licensed to provide security guards in accordance with The Private Investigators and Security Guards Act (Manitoba), and such other applicable legislation;
b) be able to provide 24/7 Security Guards to 333 Broadway;
c) possess a minimum of five (5) years of industry experience of successfully providing security services to clients similar in size and nature as the WCB;
d) be registered and in good standing with the WCB;
e) have a dedicated and stable workforce with the necessary characteristics, knowledge, security skills and abilities required to perform the Services (the Contractor will be responsible for providing proof of training and the licences of Security Guards assigned to the WCB's premises prior to assigning such individuals to provide security detail);
f) provide wages and employee benefits comparable to competitor security companies in Winnipeg, to reduce the likelihood of staff turnover within the Security Guards assigned to 333 Broadway;
g) have a minimum of three (3) spare back up Security Guards that are fully trained in the WCB's procedures to cover in case of absenteeism of the regularly assigned Security Guards (training costs are the sole responsibility of the Contractor);
h) schedule all breaks (including lunches) of Security Guards in a manner to ensure continuous service at 333 Broadway (preferable for Security Guards to remain onsite during their lunch break);
i) in the event of labour disputes affecting access to 333 Broadway, the Contractor must be able to provide alternative security services, if requested by WCB, to ensure security of 333 Broadway is maintained (may require Security Guards to cross a union picket line);
j) be able to provide additional security services (i.e. additional Security Guards for special WCB events). If such additional security is required, the WCB's security designated contact (the "Security Designate") will provide a written description of the additional security services and the Contractor must supply a firm time schedule; and
k) provide security for WCB employees dealing with violent or hostile individuals, and physical intervention when required to protect WCB employees and bystanders from physical confrontations and harm.
All Security Guards must have and maintain:
a) security guard licence issued by the Province of Manitoba demonstrating that the guard meets all requirements of The Private Investigators and Security Guards Act and its regulations including having successfully completed necessary criminal record, child abuse registry, and other background checks and mandatory training;
b) reasonable level of physical fitness to enable the Security Guard to perform the required duties;
c) sufficient presence to provide a deterrent for illegal or inappropriate behaviour;
d) sufficient written English language skills to allow the Security Guard to read and understand procedures and instructions, to prepare logs, incident reports, and other written materials of acceptable quality;
e) sufficient verbal skills to allow the Security Guard to effectively communicate with others in English;
f) reasonable intellectual ability and judgment in relation to the security function;
g) acceptable appearance and a positive attitude;
h) courtesy, tact, maturity, honesty, dependability, alertness, initiative, and ability to work in a team environment;
i) skills/experience at handling sensitive situations, or specialized training required to handle difficult or threatening persons such as non-violent crisis intervention;
j) reasonable typing skills and sufficient familiarity with the use of computers, standard Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, Outlook) and ability to operate various corporate software efficiently;
k) sufficient technical skills to use radios, CCTV camera controls, alarm systems, and other security equipment;
l) reliable form of transportation to get and from 333 Broadway without any travel impediment to working onsite; and
m) relevant first aid training and certification including CPR and operation of AEDs.
The Security Guards serve a dual purpose of welcoming and screening visitors to 333 Broadway and shall deal with the public in a positive manner and communicate effectively on behalf of the WCB.
The Contractor's personnel assigned as Security Guards shall perform their duties to the reasonable satisfaction of the WCB. The Security Guards' duties at 333 Broadway shall include, but not be limited to the following:
a) Access Control:
(i) assign and record security passes;
(ii) provide access to approved external contractors performing work inside 333 Broadway outside Business Hours:
(iii) issue and be responsible for the care, control and security of access cards, keys and information;
(iv) register and confirm completion of off-site visits by WCB staff which are conducted outside Business Hours to ensure safe departure from original destination;
b) Monitoring & Patrols:
(i) patrol on foot the exterior of 333 Broadway to inspect for and log any hazards or incidents;
(ii) patrol on foot all interior floors of 333 Broadway [seven (7) levels plus penthouse], turn off all unnecessary lighting, coffee makers, etc. outside Business Hours;
(iii) during day shifts patrol on foot the parking lot North of 333 Broadway, to check parking passes and visitors' vehicle license plates;
(iv) enforce zero tolerance of skateboarding on premises;
(v) monitor WCB staff bicycle storage compound;
c) Deterrence:
(i) Perform security related activities with a professional appearance to act as a credible deterrent to unauthorized, inappropriate, or illegal behaviour;
(ii) reduce the potential for WCB property destruction;
d) Customer Service:
(i) protect the safety of WCB employees, customers, injured workers, visitors and the general public who use the WCB's premises by providing security and first responder first aid;
(ii) staff the Security Desk during Business Hours to greet, sign in and assist visitors and injured workers coming for appointments, and oversee operation of remote CCTV monitors;
(iii) clear snow and sand icy spots at front and rear entrances of 333 Broadway to maintain safe entry and exit immediately before, during, and immediately after Business Hours;
(iv) escort WCB staff and visitors to vehicles in 333 Broadway parking lot outside Business Hours, as requested;
e) Handling of Packages and Mail:
(i) accept WCB deliveries;
(ii) handle documents, and securely store packages, mail and other materials;
f) Working Alone Policies:
(i) manage the WCB working alone procedures outside Business Hours for staff working alone off-site and required check in procedures at the Security Desk;
g) Investigation, Documentation and Reporting:
(i) investigate, report, and document non-routine occurrences including real or potential maintenance problems with security equipment and building systems, and potentially unsafe conditions or activities;
(ii) use computers to send and receive email, read procedures, prepare reports, and log customer visits;
h) Maintenance:
(i) turn off exterior lights in the morning;
(ii) check and monitor boiler temperature and alarm system;
i) Emergency Response:
(i) outside Business Hours, follow the established WCB standard operating procedures and respond to all phone calls from staff on the WCB emergency response line;
(ii) assist the Security Designate with high risk incidents;
(iii) assist the Security Designate with fire alarm and evacuation procedures;
(iv) assist the Security Designate and local police with removal of threatening or abusive individuals from 333 Broadway;
(v) advise the Security Designate immediately of any high risk incidents that occur;
(vi) monitor and respond to silent alarms from interview rooms;
(vii) assist with an emergency situation response at either of the WCB's other Winnipeg offices located at 363 Broadway or 330 St. Mary, if requested; and
j) Other Duties (as assigned)
(i) perform such other duties from time to time related to general security and safety as assigned by the Security Designate.
In addition to the Security Guard duties listed in this RFP, the Security Guards shall also be required to comply with specific WCB protocols and policies, including but not limited to, the WCB's Ethics and Code of Conduct.
The Contractor shall report directly to the Security Designate during the Services.
Security Guard Services Management
The Contractor must have an effective and active strategy and budget for recruiting and retaining high quality Security Guards, management, and office personnel to meet the long term needs of the WCB.
Vendors are expected to include their practices and recent activities used to recruit new personnel and to retain existing personnel in the Proposal.
WCB will only accept candidates who have successfully completed the screening program described in this RFP. The WCB may, in its sole discretion, waive the screening program for one (1) or more Security Guards from time to time (usually only in temporary or emergency situations).
The Contractor is expected to maintain and use a process to pre-screen potential candidates for interview by the WCB. The purpose of the pre-screening is to identify candidates who meet or exceed the WCB's minimum requirements and who are likely to become successful long term Security Guards at 333 Broadway.
Vendors are expected to include details of how they document and track a candidate's qualifications, attributes and experience along with a description of how pre-screening is performed in their Proposal.
For each Security Guard vacancy, the Contractor is expected, within a reasonable time frame but no longer than two (2) weeks, to have a minimum of three (3) candidates selected and scheduled to interview with the Security Designate. The purpose of the interview is to confirm that each candidate meets all the WCB's pre-screening requirements, is a good fit for the vacant position at 333 Broadway, and has no other impediments that would preclude the candidate from working at 333 Broadway.
The WCB may then select the best candidate to fill the vacancy and may list other desirable candidates to be trained as 'spares', fill future vacancies, or find all candidates unacceptable and request another group of candidates for interviews.
Any vacancy must be filled within twenty-one (21) Calendar Days with the required onsite training completed and required certifications.
The Contractor must notify the WCB when a Security Guard or spare creates a vacancy for 333 Broadway, and immediately begin the process of filling the created vacancy.
Once a candidate is selected by the WCB, the Contractor will schedule the new Security Guard(s) for on-site training with the Site Supervisor and existing Security Guards. Training will follow a prescribed checklist to ensure that the new Security Guard has been shown or had the opportunity to practice and become familiar with 333 Broadway, various equipment used by security, and routine and emergency procedures used by the WCB.
Security Guards are required to maintain their certification in first aid, CPR, AED, and non-violent crisis intervention as well as any other appropriate security certificates. Scheduling and costs associated with this training are the responsibility of the Contractor and scheduling must be agreeable to the WCB to ensure that security services at 333 Broadway are not disrupted.
The WCB may require certain additional training for the Site Supervisor and the costs for such additional training will be the responsibility of the WCB.
The Contractor shall provide a training certification report for any Security Guard, if requested by the WCB.
Scheduling of Security Guards
The WCB anticipates Security Guards will be absent from time to time for various health reasons or other emergency commitments. It is expected that Security Guards will provide as much notice as possible to the Contractor and that the Contractor will provide trained spares to cover for these absences.
Prior to filling any shortages, the Contractor must contact the Security Designate, and provide recommendations for a candidate first for WCB approval. The spares are expected to pass the pre-screening and screening processes.
If any spare Security Guards and/or regular Security Guards are required to work overtime due to the absence of a regular Security Guard, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the added cost of overtime for those Security Guards' compensation.
It is expected that the Security Designate will be advised of Security Guards' vacation schedules and the Contractor shall ensure that the WCB's operational needs at 333 Broadway are met for coverage of Security Guards' vacations.
Security Guard Performance Assessment
Each Security Guard will be assessed for performance at 333 Broadway after their first three (3) months and after that at least once each year by the Site Supervisor who will report the findings to the Security Designate. At the WCB's request, the Security Designate may also be involved in these assessments.
The purpose of the assessment is to provide an honest evaluation of the Security Guard's performance and to engage the Security Guard in maintaining or improving performance in those areas identified.
The WCB will evaluate Security Guards on:
• attendance;
• personal appearance;
• workstation appearance;
• job knowledge;
• awareness;
• reliability and focus;
• customer service;
• communication;
• respectful behaviour;
• confidence;
• attitude;
• adherence to WCB policies;
• decision making;
• confidentiality;
• adaptability;
• initiative;
• deterrence;
• emergency response; and
• professionalism
In addition, the Security Designate may periodically be in contact with the Contractor regarding the quality of the Services and performance of individual Security Guards.
Annual Roundtable Security Guard Meeting
Once a year, at the direction of the Security Designate, a roundtable meeting of approximately four (4) hours will be held for all Security Guards assigned at 333 Broadway. Attendance for all Security Guards is mandatory and the Contractor shall be entitled to charge the WCB for their respective hourly rates. The purpose of the meeting is to provide a training forum for all Security Guards working at the WCB, and to discuss team performance, customer service, and current issues or relevant training.
Security Guard Discipline
Security Guards who demonstrate problem behaviours or less than adequate performance will be coached by the Site Supervisor to improve their performance. Should the problem behaviours or performance issues continue or reoccur over a period of time, the Contractor will be made aware of the issue(s) and a meeting will be held with a representative from the Contractor and the Security Designate, to discuss the matter. If the problem behaviours or performance issues are not rectified the WCB has the right to require the Contractor to replace the Security Guard.
Removal of Security Guards
A Security Guard who demonstrates serious or persistent problem behaviours or whose performance does not meet the expectations of the WCB will be removed from service at 333 Broadway by the Contractor as soon as practical, depending on the severity of the performance issue. The WCB reserves the right to ask any Security Guard to leave the WCB's premises without prior notice to the Contractor but shall advise the Contractor of such action as soon after such action is taken, as is reasonably practical.
The Contractor will be responsible for:
a) making direct contact with the Security Guard after their last shift, and well ahead of their next scheduled shift, to inform them that their assignment at the WCB has ended and to advise the Security Guard not to attend or contact the WCB. Voice messages, texts, emails, or other means that do not confirm that the Security Guard has received and understood the message are not acceptable;
b) collecting and returning any cards, keys, or other property belonging to the WCB;
c) if necessary, attending the WCB to collect any personal belongings that the Security Guard may have left onsite and returning them to the Security Guard; and
d) filling the vacancy as soon as possible following processes described in this RFP.
Any disciplinary action following a Security Guard's removal from service is at the discretion of the Contractor.
The Contractor is expected to maintain and use a system to keep track of individuals who have either been found unacceptable during interviews, or who have been removed from service at the WCB, so that such individuals are not sent for interviews or otherwise assigned to the WCB in the future. Vendors are expected to include details on how they track this information in their Proposal.
Uniforms and Equipment
It is expected that a professional security team will not only be comprised of quality personnel but that its members will be dressed and equipped in a professional manner while on duty. The Contractor shall have and maintain policies and processes in place to ensure that the uniforms worn by, and the equipment provided to its personnel delivering the Services will meet the minimum standards outlined in this RFP.
It is important that the Security Guards' uniforms be manufactured from quality, comfortable materials, designed so that the uniforms are durable and easy to care for, and that Security Guards are provided with a sufficient supply and replacements to ensure that they can be reasonably cared for and continue to look professional. Uniforms are to be maintained at these standards for the duration of the Services and shall not be replaced or substituted without the prior consent of WCB.
All uniforms shall be well fitted, pressed, in good condition, clean, and odour free. Footwear shall be kept clean and polished. The uniforms and equipment shall be provided and distributed to all Security Guards by the Contractor at its own cost which will include:
a) Personal Protective Equipment:
(i) knife-resistant protective vest, worn under the uniform shirt;
(ii) protective "slash" gloves designed to provide protection from sharp objects;
(iii) Flashlight; and
(iv) Notebook;
b) Uniforms Office Environments- police-style uniform which shall include:
(i) collared shirt and/or sweater with the Contractor's name and logo and clearly marked "security";
(ii) dark, solid coloured trousers;
(iii) duty belt made of heavy weight nylon; and
(iv) CSA approved summer footwear with non-slip soles;
c) Uniforms Outdoor Environments
(i) Lined (insulated) windbreaker with the Contractor's name or logo and clearly marked "security";
(ii) Parka with hood with the Contractor's name and logo or clearly marked "security";
(iii) CSA approved insulated, winter footwear with non-slip soles;
(iv) Baseball cap (warm weather) or toque (cold weather); and
(v) CSA approved high visibility vest with reflective markings, clearly marked "security".
The Vendor shall, at the WCB's request following submission of its Proposal on MERX, provide one (1) complete sample set containing all uniform components for evaluation by WCB (photographs are not sufficient). The sample will be returned to a Vendor following evaluation of its Proposal.
The Vendor shall describe the number of uniform components that will be supplied to each of the Security Guards providing the Services at 333 Broadway, the frequency with which these will be replaced, and processes used by Security Guards to obtain replacement uniform components.
The WCB will supply a two way voice communication system (radio).
Contract Management
The Successful Vendor must demonstrate that it has the ability to manage the WCB as a client, with all of its requirements.
Vendors are required to send in their company's organizational chart, complete with position/function information and contact information, where appropriate.
Account Representative
The Successful Vendor must demonstrate it can supply a dedicated account representative. This representative will be responsible for developing, documenting and supporting the WCB's security operations. The Vendor is expected to include this individual's curriculum vitae, along with their alternate, in the Proposal.
All communications between the WCB and the Contractor, either in person or over the phone will be followed, within a reasonable time frame, by an email confirming the information conveyed in order to provide a communications history.
Control Centre
The Successful Vendor must demonstrate that it can maintain a control centre with a communications and scheduling capability 365 days a year/24 hours a day, staffed by a trained representative(s) who has access to a copy of the WCB's requirements and work schedules. The control centre shall be available for receiving "check in" calls from Security Guards who are delivering the Services, dispatching Security Guards and Site Supervisor as required, and notifying the WCB's Security Designate.
The Contractor must provide the WCB with at least one (1) emergency phone number that will provide a call back within fifteen (15) minutes on a 24/7 basis, preferably by the Site Supervisor. The WCB must be able to contact the Contractor when any issues arise with the Services or when additional Security Guards are required.
Workplace Safety and Health
The WCB has a strong commitment to the safety of its employees, customers and external service providers with an active and comprehensive workplace safety and health program for all of its facilities.
The Successful Vendor must demonstrate that it has an active and comprehensive workplace safety and health program that meets or exceeds all of the requirements of The Workplace Safety and Health Act (Manitoba).
Vendors are expected to provide details of their workplace safety and health program in their Proposal, including the names of management specifically responsible for compliance, committees, and activities that take place to help ensure the safety of the Vendor's employees.
Security Guard Licences
The Contractor and its Security Guards will be registered and remain licensed in accordance with The Private Investigators and Security Guards Act throughout the Services.
Transition of Service Provider
If a Vendor is not the WCB's incumbent service provider, the Vendor shall include a transition plan with its Proposal.
The Contractor is expected to provide the first S02 and S03 Security Guards for the weekdays (days) shifts on June 1, 2023. The Services are to be provided for a term of five (5) years, continuing up to and including May 31, 2028, unless sooner terminated in accordance with the Agreement.
Workers Compensation
Even if the Contractor is not required under The Workers Compensation Act to have and maintain workers compensation coverage in Manitoba, the WCB shall require the Contractor to purchase and maintain workers compensation coverage for its workers who will be providing the Services in Manitoba. Vendors are expected to submit evidence with their Proposal that confirms they are in good standing with the WCB
The Contractor shall invoice the WCB in accordance with its hourly rates set out in the Fee Schedule. Vendors are expected to provide a sample invoice, populated with monthly billing data to illustrate a typical invoice that would be issued to the WCB for one (1) month of Services.
The Contractor's hourly rates are inclusive of:
a) all wages, benefits, shift premiums, transportation, mileage, travel time, employer remittances, taxes, and all other amounts payable by the Contractor to its employees;
b) all administrative and support services costs, equipment supplies, overhead, and other incidental costs involved in providing the Services;
c) all insurance requirements;
d) all licence and certification requirements; and
e) all other costs as required to provide the Services identified in this RFP which are not specifically identified as a cost paid by the WCB in this RFP.
Bidding and Documents are available on Fees may apply; See for more information.
Durée du contrat
La durée estimée du contrat sera de 60 mois.
Accords commerciaux
Accord de libre-échange canadien (ALEC)
Accord économique et commercial global (AECG) entre le Canada et l’Union européenne (UE)
Veuillez consulter la description ou les documents de l'appel d'offres
Organisation contractante
- Organisation
Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba
- Adresse
333 Broadway AveWinnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 4W3Canada
- Autorité contractante
- Agreement Administrator
- Adresse courriel
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