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  • Le vendredi 17 janvier à 19h00 au samedi 18 janvier à 07h00 (heure de l’Est) 

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  • Le samedi 18 janvier de 19h00 à 22h59 (heure de l’Est) 

Northern B.C. Inter-Community Transportation Marketing and Awareness Campaign

Numéro de sollicitation 181041

Date de publication

Date et heure de clôture 2023/10/27 19:30 HAE

    Northern Development Initiative Trust (Northern Development or “the Trust”), the economic trust for Northern B.C., is seeking an experienced marketing and communications firm to develop, implement and report on a one-year inter-community transportation marketing and awareness campaign.

    The successful Proponent will work with Northern Development, a project working group and Northern Development funded service providers to lead the development of a strategic marketing strategy, as well as the development of launch plans, creative and content strategies, concepts, photo/video shoots, and content and advertising production to build awareness around publicly funded inter-community transportation services in Northern B.C., driving increased ridership.

    We are seeking a well-established partner with deep engagement, content and creative experience to support us in raising awareness and increasing public knowledge of, and use of, inter-community and rural transportation services available in communities throughout Northern B.C.

    The successful Proponent brings proven experience with marketing and awareness strategy development, and the launch and development of innovative, channel-agnostic creative concepts and strategies, with a proven understanding of the need for traditional advertising and promotional techniques in rural and remote locations.

    Deep collaboration is a foundational element of Northern Development’s culture. Strategic approaches to supporting economic development and connection in Northern B.C. is critical to our success in delivering on our mandate. The successful Proponent must demonstrate a collaborative approach and mindset, as they will work as part of a team alongside multiple transportation service providers throughout the North, with varying degrees of capacity and marketing experience.

    The collaborative structure of this project includes:
    • A working group that will work with the successful proponent at key milestones and as needed to help guide, coordinate and provide insight into the project. The composition of this group is in the process of being confirmed but is expected to include about 4-7 representatives of organizations operating or providing expertise to transportation services in Northern B.C., including Northern Development, public agencies, Pacific Western Transportation and Watt Consulting Group.
    • Other service providers, including the 17 inter-community shuttle providers operating services through funding by Northern Development. It is expected that the successful proponent will engage with these providers early in the process to gather existing transportation information and materials, update them on progress, and coordinate with them as the marketing and awareness strategy rolls out.
    • On the client side, the overall project will be managed by Northern Development with the support of Watt Consulting Group. Final decisions on the strategy and its elements will be with Northern Development.

    Durée du contrat

    Voir la description ci-dessus pour voir tous les détails.

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    Organisation contractante

    Northern Development Initiative Trust
    Autorité contractante
    Jordan Barrett
    Adresse courriel
    Détails de l'offre

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    Type d’avis

    Soutien aux petites et moyennes entreprises

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    Date de modification: