Calgary Economic Development Ltd. - Request for Proposal - Creative Economy Innovation Hub Feasibility Study
Numéro de sollicitation AB-2024-10170
Date de publication
Date et heure de clôture 2025/01/17 12:00 HNE
Calgary Economic Development (CED) and Calgary Arts Development Authority (CADA) are working together to explore the feasibility of a Creative Economy Innovation Hub (“the Hub”) to establish a centre of excellence driving innovation, economic growth and entrepreneurship within the creative economy. We are seeking a partner to conduct a feasibility study that will inform future decisions from CED and industry partners to support the future needs and workplan needed for the implementation of the Hub. We invite qualified firms to submit a proposal, and the selected consultant is expected to:
(i) Determine the feasibility of a Creative Economy Innovation Hub through analysis and recommendations,
(ii) Determine infrastructure and building attributes, functional programming, and location considerations,
(iii) Analyze and recommend potential infrastructure buildings that are suitable and feasible locations or assets for the Hub,
(iv) Conduct market and cross jurisdictional analysis,
(v) Make recommendations as to how Calgary can develop a sustainable business plan including a revenue and operating model that will enable long-term operational viability and success for the Hub, and
(vi) Recommend a governance model to support the business plan and operations.
The purpose of the Creative Economy Innovation Hub Feasibility Study is to determine the need, feasibility, potential location, business model, functional programming, governance framework to launch and sustain the Hub. CED works collaboratively with business, government, and community partners to position Calgary as the ideal location for business attraction, investment, and innovation. It is imperative that Calgary continues to build intelligence that will identify how we enable sector growth.
Durée du contrat
La durée estimée du contrat sera de 1 mois, avec une date de début proposée du 2025/02/03.
Accords commerciaux
Accord de libre-échange canadien (ALEC)
Organisation contractante
- Organisation
Calgary Economic Development Ltd.
- Adresse
237 4 Ave SW Suite 2600Calgary, CA-AB, T2P 4K3CA
- Autorité contractante
- Linda Truong
- Adresse courriel
- Adresse
237 4 Ave SW Suite 2600Calgary, Alberta, T2P 4K3Canada
Détails de l'offre
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