Claystone Waste Ltd. - Request for Proposal - NW 11 Stormwater Retention Pond Construction and Northwest Landfill Capping

Numéro de sollicitation AB-2024-06912

Date de publication

Date et heure de clôture 2024/07/19 10:00 HAE

Date de la dernière modification

    Title and description of Work: Construction of the NE 11 Stormwater Retention Pond (Pond) and Landfill Capping and Access Road construction on a portion of the North West slopes at the Beaver Regional Landfill, located at 50117 Range Road 173 (Secondary Highway 854), Beaver County, Alberta. The Landfill is situated approximately 2 km northeast of the Village of Ryley, Alberta and is accessed via Range Road 173 from the west side of the site. The Works of this project include the construction of the Pond and the landfill capping and access road construction at the Beaver Regional Landfill, for Claystone Waste Ltd. (Owner). The construction of the Pond will generally consist of earthworks, subgrade preparation, weir and spillway construction, culvert installation, dewatering and dredging of existing ponds, and construction of associated site works including but not limited to the Pond access road. The construction of the Capping and Access Road construction will consist of placement and compaction of clay liner, subsoil and topsoil placement, seeding, and construction of associated site works including but not limited to construction of the landfill access road. Work includes: Common: Mobilization and demobilization of equipment to site, including construction and remediation of haul roads, site safety, and all temporary works and facilities necessary to complete the project. Grubbing of all brush, roots, and stumps from within the grubbing limits and hauling to the appropriate on-site stockpile location as directed by the Engineer. Stripping topsoil, subsoil, and any unsuitable material from within the construction footprint, the access road, surface water ditches, and hauling of material to the on-site stockpiling area as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Topsoiling and seeding of permanent ditches, embankment slopes, all disturbed areas, and seeding of stockpiles (as indicated on drawings) to aid in erosion control on-site. Surveying, as required for the completion of all portions of the Work, which must include a detailed as-built geodetic survey of the entire Work area and all the Work performed including the base of clay liner and top of clay liner. To be provided to and approved by Engineer as construction progresses. Stormwater Retention Pond (Pond): Decommissioning of one groundwater well. Dredging of existing Northeast Facility Pond 1 and Pond 2. Excavation of the Pond, including the construction of Pond access road and fill area, Pond embankments, access ramps, and stockpiling of excess material. Pond floor preparation and surface finishing for an acceptable floor across the Pond area. Construction of the Northeast Stormwater Facility spillway (between existing Pond 1 and Pond 2) as shown on the drawings; Construction of the related Pond discharge infrastructure, including but not limited to the Emergency Spillway, installation of the Pond Discharge Pipe, and the Run-On Diversion Berm; Installation of the pipeworks and vault box manholes to connect the Northeast Facility and the Pond, as well as associated works including but not limited to obtaining all necessary line locates for the existing infrastructure such as the Telus copper line and Lamco gas facilities, hydrovacing, approval to remove affected Lamco gas facilities (if required), and working within utilities. Construction and gravelling of the Spillway Access Road and Turnaround. Construction of the surface water ditches and berms, including supply and placement of all erosion controls and required culverts. Northwest Slope Capping (Cover) & Access Ramp: Waste placement and compaction services to achieve final grades for slope capping. Grading upper surface of slope prior to placement of barrier layer. Placement and compaction of 600 mm thick barrier layer, including connection to the existing cap. Construction of access ramp, including placement and compaction of engineered fill material. Placement of 290 mm thick subsoil layer. Placement of 130 mm thick topsoil layer. Seeding of capped area.

    Durée du contrat

    La durée estimée du contrat sera de 4 mois, avec une date de début proposée du 2024/07/26.

    Accords commerciaux

    • Accord de libre-échange canadien (ALEC)

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    Organisation contractante

    Claystone Waste Ltd.
    50117 RR 173
    Ryley, CA-AB, T0B 4A0
    Autorité contractante
    Kiran Bhangu
    Adresse courriel
    50117 RR 173
    Ryley, Alberta, T0B 4A0
    Détails de l'offre

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    Type d’avis
    Demande de propositions
    Région(s) de livraison
    Région de l'appel d'offres
    Durée du contrat
    4 mois
    Méthode d'approvisionnement
    Concurrentielle – Invitation ouverte à soumissionner

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    Date de modification: