Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) - Request for Proposal - Firefighting Equipment and Rescue Tools with Related Supplies and Accessories
Numéro de sollicitation AB-2023-07226
Date de publication
Date et heure de clôture 2024/02/01 10:30 HNE
Canoe Procurement Group of Canada, is posting the solicitation on behalf of CivicInfo BC, RMA, SARM, AMM, LAS, UMNB, NSFM, FPEIM, MNL, NWTAC, NAM, AYC and its current and potential Members and represented Associations and their Members, which includes all MASH/MUSH sectors, Provincial Governments, Federal Agencies, Crown Corporations, local Governmental and other not-for-profit organizations located in all provinces and territories in Canada including but not limited to British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Yukon Territories and Nunavut. Request for Proposal (RFP) to result in regional and/or national contract solutions under the rules and regulations of Canadian trade agreements (including Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) Chapter 5, Ontario-Quebec Trade and Cooperation Agreement, and Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) Chapter 19, New West Partnership Trade Agreement (NWPTA), Atlantic Trade and Procurement Partnership (ATPP) as applicable). Canoe/Sourcewell is requesting proposals for Firefighting Equipment and Rescue Tools with Related Supplies and Accessories to result in a national contracting solution for use by its members. Members include thousands of governmental, higher education, K-12 education, not-for-profit, tribal government, and other public agencies located in Canada. A full copy of the Request for Proposals can be found on the Sourcewell Procurement Portal []. Only proposals submitted through the Sourcewell Procurement Portal will be considered. Proposals are due no later than February 1, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. Central Time, and late proposals will not be considered. 1. Sourcewell and Canoe are seeking proposals for Firefighting Equipment and Rescue Tools with Related Supplies and Accessories, such as: a. Equipment, tools, supplies, and accessories used for all types of fire and rescue service, including structural firefighting, wildland firefighting, vehicle extrication, technical rescue, vehicle and aircraft rescue, HazMat, and EMS, including, but not limited to: i. Firefighting water flow equipment; ii. Fire pumps, skid units, and compressed air foam systems (CAFS); iii. Firefighting suppression; iv. Firefighting attack, ventilation, and rescue tools; v. Thermal imaging and similar situational awareness equipment; vi. Extrication tools and equipment; vii. Technical, vertical, trench, and confined space rescue equipment; viii. Portable ladders; ix. Hazardous materials (HazMat) response equipment; x. Wildland firefighting equipment and upfits for vehicles, ATV/UTVs; and, xi. Related tools and accessories complementary to the offering of 1.a.i – x. b. Complementary services related to the equipment offered in 1. a. i – x. above, including training, testing, certifications, maintenance or repair, installation and warranty programs. Proposers may include related equipment, accessories, and services to the extent that these solutions are ancillary or complementary to the equipment, products, or services being proposed. 2. The primary focus of this solicitation is on Firefighting Equipment and Rescue Tools with Related Supplies and Accessories. This solicitation should NOT be construed to include services-only solutions. 3. This solicitation does not include those equipment, products, or services covered under categories included in pending or planned Sourcewell solicitations, or in contracts currently maintained by Sourcewell, identified below: a. Body Armor with Related Accessories, Equipment, and Services (RFP #011221); b. Firefighting Apparatus and Fire Service Vehicles (RFP #113021); c. Public Safety Training and Simulation Equipment and Technology (RFP #011822); d. Medical Supply Solutions (RFP #022422); e. Critical Care and EMS Equipment (RFP #041823); f. Ambulance and Emergency Medical Transport Vehicles, with Related Equipment, Accessories, and Supplies (RFP #122123); g. Firefighting PPE and Related Equipment Cleaning (RFP #010424); h. Uniforms with Related Products and Services (RFP #011124); and, i. Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and Breathing Air Systems with Related Equipment (RFP #011824). 4. The term of any resulting contract(s) awarded by Sourcewell under this solicitation will be four years. Sourcewell and supplier may agree to up to three additional one-year extensions based on the best interests of Sourcewell and its Participating Entities. Sourcewell retains the right to consider additional extensions beyond seven years as required under exceptional circumstances. 5. A full copy of the Request for Proposals can be found on the Sourcewell Procurement Portal []. Only proposals submitted through the Sourcewell Procurement Portal will be considered. Proposer’s complete proposal must be submitted through the Sourcewell Procurement Portal no later than the date and time specified in the Solicitation Schedule. Any other form of proposal submission, whether electronic, paper, or otherwise, will not be considered by Sourcewell. Only complete proposals that are timely submitted through the Sourcewell Procurement Portal will be considered. Late proposals will not be considered. It is the Proposer’s sole responsibility to ensure that the proposal is received on time. 6. Following submission of proposals, negotiations may be permitted.
Durée du contrat
La durée estimée du contrat sera de 48 mois, avec une date de début proposée du 2024/03/01.
Organisation contractante
- Organisation
Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA)
- Adresse
2510 Sparrow DriveNisku, CA-AB, T9E 8N5CA
- Autorité contractante
- Tara Wolff
- Adresse courriel
- Adresse
2510 Sparrow DriveNisku, Alberta, T9E 8N5Canada
Détails de l'offre
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