Aquam Air Water Ltd.

is interested in partnering up on the following tender opportunity:

Tender notice title: 39903-230484 Water Purification System

Publication date 2023/05/31

Closing date and time 2023/08/10 14:00 EDT

Aquam Air Water Ltd. details

Company website

Atmospheric water generation systems w/ filtration capacity

Aquam Atmospheric Water Generation Units provide clean, flat (reverse-osmosis) or mineralized (drinkable, nutritious) water by converting moisture in the air to water, and (optionally) applying a filtration process to add in a specific mix of minerals (different filters can be developed for use cases, currently provision capable for drinking water filters). R&D is ongoing for medical and agriculture-specific use case filters and unit capacity/hardware requirements specific to use cases beyond flat water and drinking water use cases. Capacities per system (stackable) are 20 L / DAY, 200 L / DAY, 2,000 L / DAY, and 20,000 L / DAY. All units function by plugging into an electrical outlet and require 15% humidity (works indoors and outdoors). Completely off-grid capable and can generate drinking water for community-wide drinking water requirements in emergencies, sustainable water source for specific use cases, etc. Currently looking to partner with shipping/distribution partners, also local assembly/manufacture capable partners.

First name Taylor


Last name Johnston




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