Ortho BioMed Inc.

is interested in partnering up on the following tender opportunity:

Tender notice title: Visual AI for Space Robotics Obstacle Detection

Publication date 2022/08/25

Closing date and time 2022/11/03 14:00 EDT

Ortho BioMed Inc. details

Company website https://orthobiomed.ca/

Consult, investigate, design, implement AI based solutions

Ortho BioMed Inc. provides customized AI solutions to solve complex problems. Our unique prediction models are the product of intensive research and offer accuracy that surpasses other state-of-the-art models. For real-time embedded systems with constrained computing resources, we provide the following AI services: Computer Vision Light correction and balancing using deep neural networks Removing distortions that occur due to linear, rotational, arc-shaped, and zigzag camera motions Relative and absolute depth estimation using a monocular RGB camera and relative camera movement Optimized rendering of 3D scenes, based on absolute depth estimations for single and multiple cameras Object detection and scene semantic and panoptic segmentation Machine learning Survival analysis using deep learning for both longitudinal and cross-sectional datasets Consolidating multiple resource-intensive deep learning models into a single, lightweight model, optimized for embedded systems Design, train, and deploy interpretable deep neural networks Design Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline for optimized software deployment

First name Nick


Last name Sajadi




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