Digital Identity Laboratory of Canada

is interested in partnering up on the following tender opportunity:

Tender notice title: Call for Proposals TS6 - Innovative Solutions Canada - Testing Stream

Publication date 2022/09/22

Closing date and time 2022/10/21 14:00 EDT

Digital Identity Laboratory of Canada details

Company website

Advancing digital trust by breaking down adoption barriers

Non-profit entity dedicated to advancing digital trust by breaking down barriers to the adoption of digital verifiable credentials (also known as digital ID). As a technology-neutral organization, IDLab makes a unique contribution to assist governments and business as they move ahead with the adoption and implementation of digital verifiable credentials. We offer objective, independent tests and evaluations of digital verifiable credential technology to demonstrate effective, secure and privacy-enhancing verifiable credentials can be delivered to Canada’s citizens and businesses.

First name Pierre


Last name Roberge




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